Top Date Idea: Make Your Own Sushi.
Risky, adventurous, dangerous. All the makings of a great date.
The Concept:
You’ll be making sushi for your date. If she doesn’t like sushi…skip this top date idea.
You’ll Need:
- Fish & Seaweed
- Rolling Mat
- Rice
- $40.00
- 2 Hours
Our Two Step Process
Because men don’t need more steps.
Step 1
Go to a grocery store that has a good reputation in the seafood department (we went to Publix). Some stores even have their own sushi making area. This would be an epic win. If you can’t find one…you may want to put this date on hold because you need to buy some seaweed wraps. Once you get the green wraps, buy yourself some raw salmon, tuna, and shrimp. Go ahead and grab a cucumber and some cream cheese and of course, some short grain rice. Once you have everything you need, head on home. This needs to be made the day of purchase – you don’t want to risk it with old raw fish.
Step 2
When you get home, make some of the rice (short grain is best) and you can even add a little sugar to help it stick together. Start cooking the shrimp and if you want to be daring, you can eat the salmon and tuna raw – if not, you can lightly sear it. Spread the rice on the seaweed, add the ingredient you want, and roll it up. It helps to have a bamboo wrap. It takes an odd set of tools to do this, but once you have them, you can repeat this date idea over and over. Again, you’ll want to eat everything that night. If you can’t finish it, don’t make it and then cook the leftovers the next day. Eating raw fish is a risky chance itself, don’t add an additional variable of time. Good luck.
(Hint: This really impresses most women…or it may gross her out. Make sure to read the room.)