Step 9: Wedding Day
You need some quick wedding day advice? You came to the right spot.
The Summary:
You have one objective this day: to make your bride happy. Let’s figure out how to do that.
Helpful Tips
You will be insulting everyone at least once. Don’t insult your bride. It’s about her today, not them.
A Few Helpful Steps
We’re hooking you up with some steps that will help make your wedding day a success.
Step 1 So it’s time. Day before? Night before? Day of!? If it’s day of and you’re reading this you’re in big trouble… oh well, here we go: You focus on one thing: your bride. People will try to throw you off your game all day. Someone will litter your car with junk, someone will make inappropriate comments to you. That doesn’t matter today. Today you focus on the bride.
Step 2 Give yourself a pat on the back. You’re a man. You’re getting married. Thats a big step. You did good. Go back and look in the mirror and let yourself know you’re awesome again. We learned this in Step 1: Prepare for a Date. Getting married is no small thing. Great job man!
Step 3 I can not emphasize this enough, you need to focus on what makes her happy. Does she want to dance? Dance. Is she hungry? Get her something to eat. Is she unhappy? Then kick that crazy uncle out of there. This day is about you and her. Not your uncle. Who cares if you offend him; it’s your wife you’re going to be living with for the rest of your life. If there is one person you don’t want to offend on your wedding day it’s your bride.
Step 4 You might may be getting a little nervous That’s okay. A little nervous is good for you. If you are a lot of nervous, like sweating, crying, and wetting yourself, you’ve got some condition you’ll want to check out after the wedding day. Pull yourself together. Be a man. Power through the pee. Go take a jog or something.
Step 5 Seriously, a jog is a good idea before the wedding. Wake up, have a good breakfast, take a run. Don’t show up 5 hours early and twiddle your thumbs. Keep yourself busy this day. After jogging, have lunch. Take a nap. Have second lunch. You know…the regular.
Step 6 You guys doing vows? Get those ready, write them down. It’s no problem if you plan on reading them….just don’t forget them. If you’re not writing vows…well done. Short and sweet.
Step 7 The Ceremony. It’s pretty standard. You focus on your bride. Your groomsmen focus on everyone else. Parents and Grandparents get seated by groomsmen first. Then you men walk down. Then the women walk down. Then the bride and her father walk down. Then you listen to the preacher. You kiss, and then walk out. Easy. There is a lot of traditional stuff people do, but when you break it all down, a successful marriage is when both of you are married at the end…not fulfilling traditions. I wanted to have a unity shotgun firing because I’m a man. That got vetoed. No marriage unity ceremony.
Step 8 But that’s okay. I just needed to be married at the end. Don’t worry about fancy limo, 5 star caterer, $3,000 dress. My goodness, get your priorities in line. Make sure you have a private location after the reception. Not some hangout place where you spend time with your college buddies. A nice hotel about an hour away…that drive will be fantastic. Then remember that location for anniversaries, surprises, etc. Enjoy life. People like to enjoy life. You should too.
Ending Words of Advice
A successful marriage is when you two are married at the end. Don’t worry about everyone else or if little things go wrong. Focus on the bride.